Friday, February 15, 2008

Attention regional members - win a ticket and accommodation for Michael Stephens forum.

ALIA members would have seen recent advertising for a CAVAL seminar featuring Michael Stephens, US library academic and author of Tame the Web blog
The seminar is being held Monday 3 March at the State Library of South Australia from 1:30-4:30pm.
In this exciting half day seminar, Michael Stephens will explore new technology trends and provide a roadmap toward becoming The Hyperlinked Library.
ALIA SA has a ticket for the event to give away to a regional member, and the prize also includes one nights accommodation to help you make the trip to Adelaide, with the total value of the prize being over $300!
All you have to do is tell us in 25 words or less why you want to attend the Michael Stephens workshop and you could win. Include your personal membership number, and you must be based outside the metropolitan area.
(We are working from a definition of metropolitan by local government area, see

The judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Send your entry to Benita Wheeler by the close of business on Friday 22nd February.

Good luck!

1 comment:

Michael Stephens said...

Hey there! Who won? I wish I would have known -- I would have said something in my talk. :-)