Saturday, January 26, 2008

InterALIA Asks

Introducing new members of ALIA in South Australia.

Heather Iveson
Qualifications: Graduate Diploma in Information Studies
Employment: Just finished my studies and on the hunt...
What are you reading? The Ghormenghast Trilogy, Mervyn Peake
What are you listening to? S&M, Metallica
Who would you invite to your ideal dinner party? Everyone! (catering might be tricky)
If you weren't in the library and information field, what would you be doing? Teaching English in Japan

Karen Kiesau
Qualifications: BA in Library and Information Management
Employment: Manager Modbury Hospital Library a small library with just me at the moment. We have a couple of thousand books, and 50 odd print journals. We rely a lot on the SALUS group for access to electronic resources
What are you reading? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (read it before, but it’s a good fun read), Dolls’ House Shops, Cafes & Restaurants by Jean Nesbitt it’s a book on 1/12 scale model houses for adults, and any art and craft book I can get my hands on.
What are you listening to? Every Living Thing by James Herroit, read by Christopher Timothy
Who would you invite to your ideal dinner party? Mathew Riely, Raymond E Feist, Robin Williams (the comedian) – How big is this dinner party? There are so many people I’d love to get the chance to talk to, James Bond (hey who said they had to be real people?)
If you weren't in the library and information field, what would you be doing? Something with craft and textiles I expect.